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H I S T O R Y 


Jose G. Castro, MD and his wife, Concepcion C. Castro, DMD founded and established Castro Clinic, a six-bed maternity hospital in Tibag, Baliwag, Bulacan. Castro Clinic was accredited by the Department of Health (DOH) as a primary care hospital with Dr. Jose G. Castro+ as the Medical Director and Dr. Concepcion C. Castro+ as the Hospital Administrator.

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Castro Clinic increased its bed capacity to ten and changed its name to Castro Maternity Hospital (CMH). CMH catered solely to obstetrics and gynecology cases.


CMH started to acquire additional equipment, such as an electrocardiogram machine and a fetal monitor. It opened its Operating Room (OR) for obstetrics and gynecology cases and general surgery. It also started to admit medical cases.


The hospital underwent a major improvement with the construction of an additional building, Annex 1, eventually growing into a 30-bed secondary hospital. CMH changed its name to Castro Maternity and General Hospital (CMGH) and opened its doors to various specialists and subspecialists in the field of medicine. With Dr. Jose G. Castro as the Medical Director, the second generation of doctors in the family began to transform CMGH into one of the most highly reputable and trustworthy private hospiutals in the town of Baliwag and in the province of Bulacan, with several Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) accreditations, in addition to PhilHealth.


With a growing patient base, the family decided to move CMH to a new location, also in Tibag, Baliwag, Bulacan, where a two-story building was constructed to house an 18-bed capacity hospital. The Department of Health (DOH) granted CMH the license to operate as a secondary special maternity hospital with PhilHealth accreditation.


In March 2009, CMGH expanded its operations through its Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the Emergency Room (ER) Complex. Both new facilities signaled the lasting commitment of CMGH towards quality critical care and emergency medical services.


Following the construction of the Annex 1 building, CMGH opened its Specialty Clinics.



CMGH further changed its name to Castro Maternity Hospital and Medical Center, Inc. (CMHMC Inc.), managed by a Board of Trustees created to ensure that the hospital's mission and goals are achieved. Dr. Raymundo C. Castro assumed the position of President and Medical Director, and Dr. Evangeline Fatima Castro - Lazaro as Vice - President and Hospital Administrator.

Dr. Jose G. Castro, the hospital's founder, was its Chairman Emeritus.


On December 17, 2013, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Castro Maternity Hospital and Medical Center Inc. (CMHMC Inc.) and St. Luke's Medical Center (SLMC) was formally signed, signaling these institutions' partnership in healthcare. Dr. Jose G. Castro and Dr. Raymundo C. Castro represented CMHMC, Inc. Dr. Joven R. Cuanang, SVP for Medical affairs, and Dr. Jose B. Moran, Medical Director, represented SLMC.


CMHMC, Inc, further enhanced its operation with the construction  of an additional building that houses Annexes 2 and 3, increasing its bed capacity to 78 and offering CT-Scan, MRI and Mammogram services.


In July 2020, permit was granted to CMHMC Inc. Renal Center  to open an additional bed as COVID-19 isolation service for COVID-19 positive hemodialysis patients.


CMGH opened its Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).



CMHMC, Inc. opened its new Medical Arts Building (MAB) to house the  Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine Department. A bridge that connects the MAB to the main hospital building was also constructed.



In July 2019, CMHMC Inc. was granted approval by the Department of Health (DOH) to construct a Level II tertiary hospital with a total bed capacity of 110.

In November 2019, following the approval by the Department of Health (DOH), CMHMC, Inc. began the construction and renovation of its add-on services in the expanded Adult Intensive Care unit (ICU), Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to meet the communities' growing demand for critical care services.


Since March 2021, all the intensive care facilities have been fully operational.

To date, CMHMC, Inc. is constantly expanding with ongoing construction in pursuit of Level II tertiary hospital accreditation to ensure that it continues to be on the frontline of healthcare in Baliwag and surrounding towns. CMHMC, Inc. is the only Level 1 hospital in Bulacan whose facilities  - Laboratory, ICU, PICU, NICU and Physical therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine Department - are of tertiary hospital capabilities.

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